
IFR at Google

Thought I will share this snippet about IFR from Google.
Isak Bukhman while he was in Bangalore for the TRIZIN conference, declared that IFR has nothing Ideal or Final about it and I would add, it is possibly not a result of something as well.

Google operates this website called

with the singular goal to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products

Here is the IFR as described in the site, quoting

People usually don’t look to see if they can get their data out of a product until they decide one day that they want to leave For this reason, we always encourage people to ask these three questions before starting to use a product that will store their data:

  1. Can I get my data out at all?
  2. How much is it going to cost to get my data out?
  3. How much of my time is it going to take to get my data out?

The ideal answers to these questions are:

  1. Yes.
  2. Nothing more than I’m already paying.
  3. As little as possible.

There shouldn’t be an additional charge to export your data. Beyond that, if it takes you many hours to get your data out, it’s almost as bad as not being able to get your data out at all

Note here that the “final” state of the evolved product is not defined as one thing but more as a process and thus covering the intermediates and without losing sense of the direction. That is a more real purpose of IFR.

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